How to set up an email account on Windows Live Mail 2012

Setting up Windows Live Mail 2012 is pretty straight forward:

E-mail address: enter your e-mail address that you wish to use

Password: enter the password for the e-mail address

Display name: That would be the name people see when you are sending them e-mails from that e-mail account

When done hit next and proceed to the next screen:

Server type: You can use IMAP or POP3 whichever you prefer (both are supported)

Server address:

Server port: IMAP: 143 and POP3: 110

Authenticate using: Clear Text

Logon username: your actual e-mail address is also your e-mail username

Outgoing server information:

Server Address:

Port: 2525

Requires authentication should be selected.

Once you are done proceed to the next screen:

You are done. Click finish and you can now use you e-mail account using Windows Live Mail 2012.