Category: Registered Domains

How to edit WHOIS data of a domain or group of domains?

To change the WHOIS information for a single or multiple domain names you need follow the steps bellow: In the “Domain” column locate the domain(s) which WHOIS records you need to edit, and mark their checkboxes. Press the “Change WHOIS” button. Fill the “Change WHOIS” form with your new WHOIS details and press the “Change …

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How to Change the NS records of a domain or group of domains?

To change the DNS’s for a single or multiple domain names you need follow the steps bellow: In the “Domain” column locate the domain(s) which NS records you need to edit, and mark their checkboxes. Press the “Change DNS” button. In the “Change NS” tab of the “Manage DNS” popup window fill your new NS …

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How long does it take for the domain name to be fully operational?

Our Sales department may contact the credit card holder in order to approve the purchase. This is a standard procedure just to avoid any fraud payments. Therefore, the domain name will be registered or transferred after the order has been confirmed. Then your domain will be fully operational within 24 hours and you can begin …

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How to renew a single or multiple domain names

To renew a single or multiple domain names you need follow the steps bellow: Locate the domain(s) which you need the renew in the Domain column an mark their checkboxes. Press the “Renew” button. In the “Renew Domain” popup window select a payment method and press the “Renew” button to proceed When the payment is …

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How to transfer a domain name?

To transfer domain name, click the „Register Domain” button and follow the steps: Type the desired name in the domain search box and click on the “Check” button After you submit your query, the system will return the results and show all the domain names that are available for registration or transfer. From the list …

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