Category: Admin Tools

What is .htaccess?

The .htaccess file is a simple text file, which allows the user to control the behavior of the Apache web server with regard to his website. This file can be created manually in each folder, but we offer a much simpler and easier to use tool, which you can use to generate an .htaccess file. …

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How to disable hotlinking protection?

To disable the hotlink protection feature for a specific hostname, please mark its correspondiong checkbox and click on the “Delete” button.

How to enable hotlinking protection?

To protect your images from hotlinking, click on the “Enable Hotlink Protect” button. Select a hostname from the drop-down menu (domain or subdomain hosted in your account). If you want to protect the images for the entire domain, leave the path below as it is. In case you want to protect an internal folder only, …

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How to block a range of IP addresses?

You can block an entire IP range (in case that the person who is trying to attack your site is using a dynamic IP from a certain network.) For example, to block all 254 IP addresses from the network 222.111.333.1 to 222.111.333.254, simply enter: 222.111.333.

How to block IP address?

To block an IP address, you need to click on the “Block an IP Address” button first. Then select a hostname from the drop-down menu (domain or subdomain hosted in your account). If you want to block the access to the entire domain, leave the path below as it is. In case you want to …

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