To make a change the password for your database, you can: Use the “Password” button in the databases table. Right-click on the name of the database and use the “Password” option from the context menu. A new pop-up window will open, from where you can type in the desired new password. Once you are ready, …
Category: MySQL Databases
How to create a MySQL backup?
Our database manager offers a quick way to make a backup for your database, without having to deal with the PHPmyAdmin tool. To make a backup of your database, you can: Use the “Backup” button in the databases table. Right-click on the name of the database and use the “Database Backup” option from the context …
How to dump a database using SSH?
If you have SSH enabled, you can export a database to your hosting account, using the following command, replacing the name, username, host and password with your database ones: mysqldump DB_NAME -uDB_NAME -hMYSQL_HOST -pPASSWORD > /home/www/path-to/file.sql
How to export a database?
To create a export your database, access the phpMyAdmin tool via the phpMyAdmin icon right next to your database name. Once you login, select the database from the left frame and click on the Export button that will appear at the top of the central frame. You can select to export all tables of the database …
How to import file into a database using SSH?
To import date using this method, you will have to upload the SQL file in your account first and then login via SSH to this account. Once this is done, use the following command, replacing the name, username, host and password with your database ones: mysql DB_NAME -uDB_NAME -hMYSQL_HOST -pPASSWORD < /home/www/path-to/file.sql